Balikbayan visa (privilege) question

Hi all,

My mom will be traveling to the Philippines in a couple of months and she would like to avail of the Balikbayan privilege that allows her to stay for 1 year.

Can she avail of the Balikbayan visa (privilege) without her old Philippine passport and PSA birth certificate?

She was born in the Philippines before 1945 and in WW2 the records in her province were destroyed during the liberation campaign, hence no birth certificate.

She is a naturalized US citizen and she said that she had to surrender her Philippine passport to the US immigration office upon receiving her US citizenship.

Without these two documents, Philippine passport and PSA birth certificate, would there be a problem in obtaining the Balikbayan privilege?

I have read on the website of the Philippine Embassy in Washington that a naturalization certificate is sufficient in lieu of the above documents.

I'm asking my question here because most articles I've read and videos I've watched do not mention the naturalization certificate as a valid document to present at the port of entry.

I would greatly appreciate hearing from those who have experienced the scenario I've described or know of anyone who has.

She has a us passport and her place of birth is Philippines on it.  They will giver her balikbayan.  Do a request for her immigration record and get her passport and a copy of what she used for a birth certificate.  I worked for ins and ice for 23 years.  We didnt take peoples foreign passports in the offices I was in unless they were in removal proceedings.  Never when someone natz

@smithta63 thanks for the suggestion about immigration records. I submitted a request with USCIS regarding what document was submitted for birth certificate. As for her Philippine passport, she was naturalized close to 50 years ago so perhaps her recollection of the events that transpired is faulty.

I started working there in 1992, they might of took the old passport in the 70s.  Most likely they would of put the passport in an envelope and put it in her alien file.  I'd request it be returned.