Medicare Health Coverage In The Philippines

It has come to our attention that Congressional Rep Moylan (R-Guam), has recently introduced HR 7442 -- The Philippine Medicare Portability Study Act. I attach a copy of that Bill for your reference. Importantly, this is a bipartisan effort as this proposed legislation has been co-sponsored by Rep Del Sablan (D – Mariana Islands).

In short, the proposed study by the Comptroller General (CG) contemplated by HR 7442 will identify whether, and the extent to which, the US Government can benefit from savings in Medicare expenditure if US senior citizens in the Philippines are allowed the benefits of MP through use of local, considerably cheaper, medical services in the Philippines. It requires the CG (GAO) to submit a report covering this study to Congress within 6 months of enactment of this legislation.

This is important legislation for any US senior civilian retirees who reside in the Philippines who do not have access to private medical insurance coverage. Accordingly, if you support the effort to have Medicare benefits extend to U.S. civilian senior citizens who are retired and reside in the Philippines – including many FilAms – we urge you to write to your US Congressional Rep to support passage of HR 7442.

A sample text of the email that you can send to your US Congressional Rep (which can be changed by you to fit your own particular situation) is below:

"House Bill HR 7442 (THE PHILIPPINE MEDICARE PORTABILITY STUDY ACT) has been introduced by Rep James MOYLAN (R-Guam) and co-sponsored by Rep Gregorio SABLAN (D - Northern Mariana Islands).

This Bill has been referred to House Ways and Means and House Energy and Commerce on 23 Feb 24. My respectful request is that Hon. Rep. [insert name of your US Congressional Representative] cosponsor this bi-partisan bill.

The findings under this contemplated study will impact over 300,000 US citizens who permanently resident in the Philippines, many of whom are seniors. Those seniors must travel back to the US for medical treatment because of the lack of Medicare portability (MP) each year at considerable cost to the US Government.

This study will identify whether, and the extent to which, the US Government can benefit from savings in Medicare expenditure if US senior citizens in the Philippines are allowed the benefits of MP through use of local, considerably cheaper, medical services in the Philippines.

Earlier studies indicate US Medicare costs per citizen of about $11,000 per annum, with savings of approximately $5000 per citizen for corresponding per citizen costs in the Philippines -- or approximately 45% per US senior citizen if MP is introduced to cover the Philippines. 

Therefore, MP applicability to the Philippines would likely save the US Government considerable resources -- particularly when administrative costs of processing Medicare applications in the Philippines have been documented to be marginal or, at most, very modest through programs currently in practice for US Veterans in the Philippines such as Tricare. Go for doing the right thing Rep [Name of your Rep], as you always do!”

Given the tight time frame for producing the CG Report under HR 7442, we urge you to send a supporting email to your US Congressional Rep without delay.

Thank you for your attention to this important issue.

Good luck

Is this program benefits for Filipino or it is only for American veterans citizens of America living in Philippines like VA their policy only Filipino American citizens are entitled to receive.this is Discremation program from VA 

If this health insurance coverage in Philippines  how We can avail ? What are requirements ? Is this under Pact Ac?t or not ?

The U.S health insurance companies will not this pass.  I don't think it has a chance.   Couple of weeks ago someone posted the registration numbers for annual report less than 11000 Americans reported.  The USEMB estimates 600k citizens in Philippines which im sure includes lots of dual citizens.  Program would be difficult to administer also