The reason I stay in Paraguay

I am a native Paraguayan. Friends who are interested in immigrating to Paraguay, do not hesitate because Paraguay is a wonderful and harmonious country that welcomes people of all classes and backgrounds.

Housing resources in Paraguay are now plentiful. Even the disadvantaged groups in our country are free from the cost of living or housing stresses. My friends and I have moved into a new house financed by Taiwan government under the Che Tapýi project.

Moreover, it is said that the president of Taiwan would visit Paraguay soon and would build more houses for us in the next five years. I sincerely hope the friendship between Taiwan and Paraguay will last forever.

Nice. That is good to hear. I keep telling @nico peligro that Paraguay should be on his list.

That's great, I'm just having trouble finding a house recently.

Ye pgw is good  but everyone needs money to settle with or without a permit , how much u estimate one month rent one bedroom stodio?thnx

@EricVonT  Very cheap

@EricVonT Very cheap
-@Yerkes Neakle

Could you please give a price range?


On how much rent would be. Really depends on the place and the area. For a one bed place in Asuncion you would be looking at $200 - $400 per month. Bit more for something really nice. Then as soon as you get away from Asuncion prices quickly drop off.

I'd like to extend my gratitude to our best friend from Taiwan. The project Che Tapyi of total $320m does great favour to shelter our people from bad living conditions. We are not only allies but also brothers.



@Samuel BecksEJnEvbpbTwe.png?o=1


@Cheryl  Outside of Asunción things are cheaper.  Encarnación is 100,000 people and a resort area by many locals.  A 1 bedroom unfurnished is $150 a month.  I pay $500 per month for a 3, which is just a bit more than what I paid for a hostel in Asunción.  If you want to go really cheap you could find it in smaller rural areas.

My name is Dutchie, and I am from the Netherlands, but currently in Thailand. I am interested to move to Paraguay, (probably Ciudad del Este), after have been for 31 years in Thailand. It is because of changing immigration rules and various other matters that I would like to prepare my move.

Is it correct that I have to deposit 5.000$ at a bank while the authorities processing my visa in Paraguay? Where do I have to request my visa (Ascuntion?) and in which place could I best stay until my visa will be granted?

I do have a small retirement pension from 750 - 800 Euros per month from the Netherlands. Will that be enough to stay in Paraguay permanently?

Hope to hear your reply soon.   

No, you don't need to deposit money any more in a bank account.   You should be able to come to Paraguay busing your EU documents.  Like most of us, you'll have to leave every 90 days and come back in, much like many do in Thailand.  You will have to get your criminal background from the Thai national police and have it legalized by your nearest Paraguay Consolate/Embassy.  Same for your Birth Certificate, or Apostilled by the Netherlands.  Same for any Divorce Decrees or Death Certificates.

You will first apply for Temporary Residency.  Migracions takes about 3 months to process each application.  After 2 years (18 months) you can apply for Permenant residency.  A requirement at that time is that you show you will not be a financial burden on Paraguay.  Regarding retirement, you must show an average retirement of 2.5 million Guarani per month.  If my calcualtions are right, 750 Euro is 5.88 million Gs so you should be good.  It is also possible to use the $5,000 deposit in a PY bank if you prefer. 

Paraguay is MUCH different then Thailand.  Fairly conserverative, not as hot as Thailand, and I suspect Thailand is more advanced but haven't been there for a long time.

Let me know how I can help.

My mother is thinking about moving to Paraguay, not sure how much she will get as  retirement but surely much more than 2.5million guaraníes.. She is from Spain so I Guess it's gonna be easier to get permanent residence. I have a question for you, for those Who know the country, there's any place which doesn't frost? Like, any place that doesn't go beneath 7-10celsius? Thinking in growing tropical plants that don't resist freezing...

@Isle Joyeuse

She might find adjusting to the Paraguayn Spanish odd at first as it's more of a Rioplantnese type Spanish with  Guarani thrown in for added fun.

It did snow in Encarnación in 1963.  That city is in the most southern part of the coutry.  It will get cool enough to need a coat or hoodie if walking much during the winter.  It is, however warm enough that it is green year around.  An aspect I love is that there will be some tree or bush with flowers almost all the time.

@EricVonT  I rented at a hostel in Asunción and paid Gs300,000 a month for a studio, all utilities, cleaning, etc paid.  I had to pay for the laundering of my sheets.

I am renting an unfurnished, 3 bedroom in Encarnación for  Gs350,000 a month and pay utilities.  I could cut that to about Gs150,000 a month if I moved to a 1 bedroom.  In smaller cities the price will go up or down depending on the availability of apartments.


Thank you very much for this valuable information. I have just started to explore this site "".

There are so many things to discover that it will take some time to prepare and absorb the information in making the decision to move to Paraguay.

My visa in Thailand will expire in January 2025. Immigration rules and requirements are changing rapidly in Thailand.



Indeed I do have more questions about moving from Thailand to Paraguay. For the Thai Immigration regulations I have 600.000 Baht at the Bangkok Bank for renewing my visa. If I leave Thailand I would like to transfer the money to a reliable bank in Paraguay.

Do I have to open an account first, and which currency should I use to make the transfer (Euro or Dollar account)?

Furthermore, do I have to communicate all my questions via this site or is it possible to use my email for further information?   

@hvandijk6 Hello. You will only be able to open an account in Paraguay if you obtain your residence and ID card (cedula) first. Most banks will only allow you to open a dollars account first and then an euros account, but that is to be enquired with the banks when you get to that stage. 

@hvandijk6 are you a South African expat?

@Sally Romero

Thank you very much for your fast response. Could you please give me some advice how to move to Paraguay from Thailand. My nationality is Dutch (The Netherlands) and I have been in Thailand since 1992.

-- Do I have to change the money in Dollars and take it cash with me from Thailand to Paraguay on the

plane? I don't think that will be allowed.

-- There is an Paraguayan Embassy in Bangkok to arrange a visum.

-- How do I find a place to stay, for example in Assunction for a couple of months, to arrange my stay

   permanently and fulfill the immigration requirements? Eventually I would like to move to Ciudad del


I would be very grateful if you could give me some more information.


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Johan Smal

Thank you for your question.

No, I am from the Netherlands, but I have been in Thailand since 1992. I have just posted an answer up here at this forum. I do wish to have my inquiries via email, but I am not sure if that will work out.


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I do apologize, but I really do have some more questions. A little further down I have been asked more questions, but I am not familiar with forums that much. So I do hope to gather some more information. 

has anyone applied for residency with a negative criminal record ? if yes how did it go ?