Expat interviews

Designing a pretty life: From Guatemala to Finland
Designing a pretty life: From Guatemala to Finland
Omar is from Guatemala and arrived in Finland eleven years ago as the singer in a heavy metal band. Ever since, many things have changed — the group split up, Omar obtained the Finnish nationality, and he has created a loving family. Follow us on this exciting journey of a designer, musician, and avid traveller from Guatemala to Finland. 
From Strasbourg to New Zealand on a Working Holiday Visa
New Zealand
From Strasbourg to New Zealand on a Working Holiday Visa
Aby, arrived in New Zealand from Strasbourg on a Working Holiday Visa, grabbing the opportunity that the country offers to young expatriates who want to work in New Zealand with spare time to explore its beauty. There are many reasons why Aby chose New Zealand as her expat destination; one of them is the friendly and welcoming Kiwi people. She talks to Expat.com about the flexibility that the Working Holiday Visa gives you and the best things about New Zealand. 
From Thailand to Timor-Leste for gender equality
From Thailand to Timor-Leste for gender equality
Xian, an Australian-Chinese-Filipina, amateur photographer, badminton player, and swimmer among others, moved to the island nation of Timor-Leste three and a half years ago to continue her wonderful work on gender equality and the prevention of violence against women.  Xian has absolutely adapted to the unique style of island living, and shares with Expat.com some tips on making the most of your expat experience in Timor-Leste — spoiler alert: food and snorkelling included.
The accomplishments of a successful expat in Lyon
The accomplishments of a successful expat in Lyon
Alejandra, a Colombian expat in Lyon, France has gone through different stages of life in this historical city. A language enthusiast, Alejandra initially arrived in France to learn French but she immediately fell in love with this vibrant place, and enrolled in a Master's degree before getting a rewarding full time job as a business developer. Looking always on the bright side of life, Alejandra gives us a tour around her favourite city. 
Moto rides and other adventures in the land of a thousand hills
Moto rides and other adventures in the land of a thousand hills
Sila, from Nigeria and Turkey, is now living and working in Rwanda after she agreed to accept a relocation job offer. In the heart of Africa, and home to the continent's largest rainforest with a third of gorillas' world population, Rwanda is one of the proudest nations regarding conservation of natural habitats. When not teaching the principles of leadership to talented, pan-African students, Sila is enjoying the variety of restaurants and the convenience of moto rides, which can take you anywhere in the country's capital city, Kigali. However, there are three things that Sila needs more time to adapt to — living without caring housemates, the lack of spicy food, and the calmness of the city.
New Orleans: Where a French expat finds enthusiasm for life
New Orleans: Where a French expat finds enthusiasm for life
Céline, a French expat in New Orleans, Louisiana, has a rewarding job and leads a full life in this historic city of jazz music and swing. She loves cycling to work, seafood gumbo, and the friendliness of the people. Follow her unique expat story in New Orleans as we unfold it, and learn more about this expat destination from someone who found home away from home in it.
Expat life at the crossroads of civilisations
Expat life at the crossroads of civilisations
Leonard, a writer, an educationist, a history-lover, and an avid reader and traveler, has found everything he needs to lead a fulfilled life in Turkey — where two opposite cultures meet and thrive together. He established his new home in Turkey in 2008 by some quirk of fate, and today, ten years later, he knows that his future is tied with Turkey. To find out more about his expat life in this magical country, follow us as we unfold Leonard's story.
Discovering Virginia, US, through French eyes
Discovering Virginia, US, through French eyes
Mitra is a French national who moved with her husband and children to Blacksburg, Virginia. She tells Expat.com about her new life in the US, the cultural differences between her home country and the American way, and how she's adapting to her new life.
Cape Town, South Africa, through the eyes of an expat
South Africa
Cape Town, South Africa, through the eyes of an expat
After having spent many years living in London, Cambodia, and Singapore, Mei now calls Cape Town home. Coming from a mixed background herself, Mei has always had a deep interest in exploring other cultures, and loves to discover new places. She tells Expat.com about her life in the Mother City, her observations of South Africa, and the abundance of leisure activities at her doorstep.
From California to France to fulfill a dream of becoming a pastry chef!
From California to France to fulfill a dream of becoming a pastry chef!
Nicole grew up in California where she had a successful career in finance, before realising that she wanted to become a pastry chef. She enrolled in a pastry school in Paris, left her life in the U.S. behind, and has now created her own little family in the Basque Country, where she is enjoying the finer things in life. She shares her experiences with Expat.com.
Life of an expat in Qatar
Life of an expat in Qatar
Zarina is originally from Johannesburg, South Africa, although has she also lived in Mozambique and Portugal for quite a few years. Currently, Zarina lives in Qatar, and she tells Expat.com about her expat life in the Middle-east.
A trailing spouse from Sydney to Kuala Lumpur
A trailing spouse from Sydney to Kuala Lumpur
Being a trailing spouse doesn't necessarily mean sitting at home, feeling bored. That's precisely what Paula, an Aussie expat, talks to Expat.com about. She has lived in Hong Kong for more than a decade, and now lives in Kuala Lumpur where she's enjoying a great life between her daily routine and weekend getaways.
Adventures of an American in Bogotá
Adventures of an American in Bogotá
Sarah is originally from Maine but spent five years in New York City, where she met her Colombian husband. They decided to move together to Bogotá pending his green card approval. Fascinated by the Colombian culture, especially the music and dance as well as the hiking opportunities, Sarah talks to Expat.com about her everyday life enjoying a pleasant family-oriented lifestyle and unique cuisine.
The importance of e-learning: An interview with an expert
The importance of e-learning: An interview with an expert
In a fast-evolving job market, where new sectors are emerging every few years, employers need to consider how they will upgrade the skills of their staff, so that they can respond to the new demands. Employees, on the other hand, must find ways to keep up with the changes in the workplace. Investing in e-learning comes with many benefits for both sides — fewer hours and costs of training new staff, and more engaged and responsible employees. Stephen Somerville, Director of Business Development at FutureLearn, talks to Expat.com about the importance of e-learning for businesses and employees, and the current trends in e-learning.
Life in Lisbon according to an English expat
Life in Lisbon according to an English expat
Kev is an English teacher hailing from England, but has lived in many countries prior to moving to Portugal in 2014. He is thoroughly enjoying his life in Lisbon, given the quality of life, sunny days year-round, excellent food, and low cost of living. Aside from spending time with his wife and cat, he enjoys writing and traveling.
Escaping the cold: from Quebec to California
Escaping the cold: from Quebec to California
Jenny spent most of her life in Quebec before she started feeling the need to explore other parts of the world. It was only after giving birth to her second child that her and her husband decided to move to California. Being a stay-at-home mom doesn't mean she's bored. With an online boutique, a blog, and lots of family activities, she is kept busy. Now that she has obtained her Green Card, she's reminiscing about her journey with Expat.com.
Life is beautiful for our Russian expat in Italy
Life is beautiful for our Russian expat in Italy
Alexandra from Russia, first moved to Italy to study the language and to join her many Italian friends. Ever since she has been living in Verona with her Italian husband, and has been enjoying a balanced life that allows space for big gatherings, good food, yoga, and cycling.
The joys of being a French expat in Norway
The joys of being a French expat in Norway
Anne-Sophie comes from Ardennes, but she spent a few years in Paris before moving to Norway. Three years went by since she's living the dream with her companion in the beautiful town of Tønsberg. Looking back at her journey with mixed feelings – with sheer enthusiasm and nostalgia – here is what she has to say about Norway.

Other Types

Buying property abroad: Explore your options
Buying property abroad: Explore your options
There are lots of reasons why you may be considering purchasing property abroad. First, owning property comes with stability and security, which is something expats often long for after relocation. You will also finally be able to style your home as you like, bringing in the little decor elements that you hold dear. 
50 reasons to pack up and move abroad
Everyday life
50 reasons to pack up and move abroad
Are you thinking about living abroad? Perhaps you've considered it for a long time but haven't dared to take the plunge. It never seems like the right time due to inflation, rising living costs, and the fear of failing. But you could see these challenges as opportunities instead. Here are 50 reasons (and there are many more!) to live your dream of expatriation at least once.
How being an expat affects your gut health and eating habits
Everyday life
How being an expat affects your gut health and eating habits
We rarely consider our gut health and diet when moving abroad. Before leaving, our minds are consumed with travel preparations. The initial phase of expat life often coincides with a honeymoon period. Then comes the necessary adaptation, where daily life takes over. "The Expat Gut Health Survey: How Symptoms Can Impact Life Abroad," a study by Allianz Care, published on May 29, surveyed over 3,000 expats worldwide and unveils the link between gut health and quality of life.  
2024 European elections: Can expatriates vote?
2024 European elections: Can expatriates vote?
One of the most anticipated elections of the year is approaching. Will the European Union (EU) emerge from these elections more divided, or will it strengthen its unity? As we await the final predictions and, more importantly, the first results, let's examine the voting procedures. What conditions must expatriates meet to vote in the European elections? Are European expatriates living within or outside the EU treated the same way?
How can expats vote in the UK's upcoming general election
How can expats vote in the UK's upcoming general election
The current British Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, called for a snap election on July 4. People were expecting the general election to happen in October or November, not in two months, reports the BBC. How can British expats abroad vote? And which expats in the UK have voting rights? Many Commonwealth and Irish expats in the UK are unaware that they are eligible to vote even if they don't have indefinite leave to remain.
Where can you breastfeed as an expat mom? Global rights and restrictions
Everyday life
Where can you breastfeed as an expat mom? Global rights and restrictions
When living abroad and planning to have a child, many factors come into play: healthcare, maternity support, parental leave, daycare, and more. This wonderful life event requires good organization, especially when you're an expat. One important aspect to consider (if you choose to) is breastfeeding, particularly in public spaces. While natural, breastfeeding can be controversial, heavily criticized, discouraged, or even banned in some countries.