Moving - Expat Magazine

Where should you move in 2021 amidst the crisis?
Where should you move in 2021 amidst the crisis?
You're perhaps waiting for the pandemic to come to an end before moving abroad, but no one can tell how long it's going to take. Moreover, with current travel restrictions and border closures, and some countries being locked down once again following a new surge, especially in Europe and Asia, choosing your next destination can be a difficult task. Still, this hard turned out to be a blessing for some countries that are trying to boost their economy by attracting foreign nationals.
Key things to consider before moving abroad in 2021
Key things to consider before moving abroad in 2021
Many of you are perhaps waiting for borders to reopen and for activities to resume so that you can finally move abroad, regardless of your motivations. Whether you dream of working, studying or retiring overseas amidst the crisis, there are many points to consider. So here's your 2021 moving abroad checklist to help you get started.
Expats talk about their return home during the pandemic
Expats talk about their return home during the pandemic
It's been nearly a year since the COVID-19 crisis tore thousands of families apart. While many expats chose to stay in their host country, and others were stranded abroad due to travel restrictions, some chose to reunite with their family in their home country. They talk to about how hard it was in the beginning and where they stand today.
Island destinations that are luring expats with new visas
Island destinations that are luring expats with new visas
Haven't you ever thought of leaving everything behind to relocate to a remote island? With the global health crisis and current travel restrictions in many countries, it might now be the time to make your dream come true. A couple of exotic destinations, such as Mauritius, are launching new visas to attract expats, thus trying to boost their economy.
What do expats bring to their host country?
What do expats bring to their host country?
According to a recent study by the Environics Institute, an Ottawa-based research centre, one in five Canadians believe that the presence of expats makes Canada a better country. For them, expats are not a threat to the local economy and labour market. What makes them feel so? Also, how do countries worldwide benefit from the presence of expats?
Can pets travel during the COVID-crisis?
Can pets travel during the COVID-crisis?
As many countries are gradually lifting their border restrictions, people are resuming their travel and expatriation plans. But what about those who have a four-legged furry best friend that they definitely wouldn't like to abandon? And what about expats who are stranded abroad with their pets and are desperately waiting for a repatriation flight? Regardless of your situation, your pet will have to comply with certain regulations, but overall, it is possible to travel with your pet. Here's how to.
Repatriation flights: How do they work and how much do they cost?
Repatriation flights: How do they work and how much do they cost?
Australians abroad are having a hard time being able to find repatriation flights to get back to their home country during the COVID-19 crisis. The government has capped the number of passengers to arrive at the operating airports and airlines are using this to significantly increase their flights. How are repatriation flights being arranged around the world? And what are they costing?
Heading back home after the COVID-19 crisis
Heading back home after the COVID-19 crisis
Moving back home is as a complex step as that of moving abroad, particularly in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic. In fact, according to a survey by and April International, 38% of expats intend to return to their home country once the global health crisis comes to an end. What's their motivation for doing so, and how are they planning to do so? Here are some tips for a smooth repatriation.
Expat Blues: Being ‘the other half’ in an expat couple
Expat Blues: Being ‘the other half’ in an expat couple
When a couple moves abroad for career reasons, this can sometimes mean that one person is quickly immersed in a demanding new job, and the other suddenly finds themselves in the role of a 'support act'. How come some people can adapt to this transition to 'the other half' with ease, while for others, regrets and resentments begin to surface? And how can we deal with this? London-based psychotherapist Paul Carslake offers some ideas.
Dare to move overseas after the COVID-19 crisis?
Dare to move overseas after the COVID-19 crisis?
The global health crisis, without a doubt, is having a significant impact on expatriation. Taking into account the health risks and current travel restrictions, some people simply had to give up on their projects. Others, however, are impatiently waiting for things to get back on track and travel restrictions to be lifted to be able to pursue their dreams. Soon, hopefully. They talk to us about their plans.
Where you should move after the COVID-19 crisis
Where you should move after the COVID-19 crisis
If you were planning to move abroad this year, the COVID-19 crisis probably had a considerable impact on your plans. Health risks and travel restrictions are challenging your expectations, depending on the purpose of your trip: work, studies, retirement, etc. But regardless of the reasons you've chosen to move abroad, there are many factors to consider, such as the quality of life, the cost of living, as well as healthcare, etc. Here are some tips to help you kickstart your project.
Moving abroad after the COVID-19 pandemic: How to
Moving abroad after the COVID-19 pandemic: How to
Some would say that it's too early to speak about moving abroad in the current context, but let's remain objective. While many countries around the world have been seriously affected by the coronavirus, others have managed to control its spread by taking necessary measures. The lockdown has come to an end in many countries, borders are opening gradually, and flights are resuming, under certain conditions. This doesn't mean that you should go right ahead and book a flight, but maybe you could start all over again with planning your move abroad.
Five ways to reinvent your expatriation
Five ways to reinvent your expatriation
You will agree that moving abroad, whether alone or with your family, has never been an easy thing. It's, therefore, crucial to have proper planning, but above all, keep in mind that things won't always turn out as planned. If the global health crisis has compromised your stay abroad, here are some tips for survival.
How the COVID-19 has affected border control around the world
How the COVID-19 has affected border control around the world
Due to the rapid evolution of COVID-19, most countries around the globe had to implement strict border controls. For more than two months, only repatriation and essential commercial flights were authorised. Maritime and land transport were also severely affected – all this having a significant impact on immigration and the global economy as a whole. Today, many countries are preparing to lift border restrictions, but under certain conditions. What does that mean?
Is it time to go back to your home country?
Is it time to go back to your home country?
When we move to a new country, we hope desperately that everything will work out and that we'll stay for as much as we plan to and maybe more. But unfortunately, things don't always work out. Whether it's due to personal circumstances or the law, there comes a time when some expats may have to either move back to their home country or somewhere else. But when you're dealing with a difficult personal situation, how do you know if you should persevere just a bit longer, or it's actually time to move on? We discuss some important factors to base your decision on.
Welcome to your first weeks as an expat. Just don't throw-up
Welcome to your first weeks as an expat. Just don't throw-up
Home is not a place. It's a feeling. The air smells funny. People drive on the wrong side of the street. Vendors sell bread on the sidewalk. The prices are in local money so quick mental calculations must be made.
Reasons why you should move abroad!
Reasons why you should move abroad!
Do you want to be an expat? Are you still on the fence about moving to a new country and away from family? Moving abroad can be intimidating because it would mean uprooting the life you have at home and heading off to somewhere completely unknown. It can make anyone anxious but here's the good news: The feeling goes away and once you have settled down the pros outweigh the cons. Here are some reasons why you should take the leap.
Settling abroad: How to make the most of your scouting trip
Settling abroad: How to make the most of your scouting trip
A scouting expat trip is a process of testing the waters before making a life-changing decision to move (or not) to a country. At first, it may sound unreasonable to spend all this money and time to visit a place where you are most likely relocating to anyway. But it's actually a wise choice and a thoughtful investment towards your expatriation project. In the long term, it can save you a whole lot of hustle. So, don't take someone else's word for your prospecting expat country; find out for yourself. Here's a primer on how to make the most of your scouting trip.