Tax - Expat Magazine

An insight into expat taxes
An insight into expat taxes
From March 1st, 2020, South African expatriates will have to pay an “Expat Tax” following recent amendments to the Income Tax Law. Hence, South Africans will only be exempt from taxes on the first R1 million threshold – following which they will be required to pay tax on their global income. Tax laws eventually vary from one country to another. Generally, you have to pay income tax, whether you are an employee, an entrepreneur or a retiree. You should also watch out for double taxation. Here are some tips to help you get started.
Tax incentives: The countries you should consider
Tax incentives: The countries you should consider
Tax incentives are an underestimated criterium in the relocation plans of expatriates. It is not necessarily ignored by expats themselves – rather, most of the agencies, companies, institutions, and media choose to ignore tax incentives in the particular country and focus more on marketing criteria such as quality of life, safety, living cost, and specific job opportunities.
Portugal introduces a new list of activities with high added value for 2020
Portugal introduces a new list of activities with high added value for 2020
If you have always wanted to work or set up a business in Portugal, we have some good news for you! The government is introducing a new list of activities with high added value as of January 1st, 2020, allowing more non-habitual residents to enjoy tax incentives provided. The announcement was made by the Portuguese Finance Minister, Mário José Gomes de Freitas Centeno, with the aim of making the country even more attractive in the eyes of foreign professionals.
What is the tax situation like for working expats?
What is the tax situation like for working expats?
A recently proposed change to the capital gains tax for Australians residing abroad has caused quite a bit of a stir in the the proposed law could have imposed heavy tax bills on thousands of Australians living outside their home country and was retrospective (which meant it would affect those having property in the country as far back as 1985).  While the new law has lapsed and may not be implemented at all — it does raise an often confusing and complicated question: how, where and how much tax should an expat be paying?
Countries with the best tax legislation
Countries with the best tax legislation
20,000 global citizens were asked about what countries they thought had the most favorable tax jurisdictions. This is what they answered.
Tax filing for American expats: A checklist
Tax filing for American expats: A checklist
15th of June. This is the deadline for filing tax returns for United States Citizens and green-card holders living outside of the US. Indeed, while the deadline to complete the tax return exercise is the 15th of April for US residents, US expatriates automatically have a two month extension. Two months ahead of the deadline, this is where to start:
What is it like to work in the Middle East
What is it like to work in the Middle East
Middle East countries remain one of the world's most attractive destinations for expats for many reasons including high wages, low or practically no taxation, and a high standard of living. For those who have always dreamed of pursuing their career in one of the Gulf countries, here's what you need to know about the region's labour market and current career trends.
Five things you should do before moving abroad for work
Five things you should do before moving abroad for work
If you're contemplating moving abroad for work, keep in mind that merely finding a job is not enough. Asking yourself the right questions is essential for a thriving international career. Knowing what to expect regarding formalities to be filled in and the local business culture is crucial. tells you about the main things to consider before moving abroad for work.
Where will you get the highest salary in Europe
Where will you get the highest salary in Europe
As we're getting closer to the end of the year, you're perhaps among those who are assessing their career and planning for the future. If you're looking to enjoy a higher standard of living and higher wages, moving abroad can be the answer. Below is an overview of the European countries offering the highest salaries.
Which are the world's most economically-free countries
Which are the world's most economically-free countries
If you're looking to start a business overseas, economic freedom is perhaps something you have never thought of. There are numerous elements to take into account when investing abroad, including market access, competitiveness, security, property rights, and adequate legal frameworks and judicial systems. To help you choose wisely, here's an insight into six of the world's most economically-free countries and their benefits for businesses.
Six reasons why you should move to Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
Six reasons why you should move to Saudi Arabia
Over the years, Saudi Arabia has become an attractive destination for expatriates and visitors. The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia recently announced the introduction of tourist visas in line with the "Vision 2030" program for greater openness. Soon, more short-term visas will be issued for those looking to take part in cultural or sports events in the country. If you're tempted to explore the transformation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, here are six good reasons why you should take the leap.
Where to start a business in Europe
Where to start a business in Europe
If your quest for new business prospects leads you to Europe, you're probably wondering about the countries where you're likely to thrive. The European Chamber released its yearly ranking of best European countries for business according to many criteria such as incentives for foreign investors and entrepreneurs, as well as integrity and transparency. To help you choose wisely, gives you an insight into the top five European countries to invest or launch your startup in.
The biggest relocation challenges for 2018
The biggest relocation challenges for 2018
A relocation project can be very beneficial for companies thanks to the recruitment of global talent and diversity in the working place. However, it comes with several challenges, which, if not adequately addressed, may not only cost the company a lot of money but also lead to loss of competent human force. Some of these challenges are available support to expat employees and orientation, visa acquisition, travel costs, housing, shipment of goods, and other benefits. Cartus, a provider of corporate relocation services, has assessed the global relocation trends for 2018 and the challenges that companies have to deal with when sending employees abroad.
Top five African countries for business
Top five African countries for business
Often portrayed as an impoverished and underdeveloped continent, Africa has a more significant wealth than you could ever imagine. Its openness to the global market, along with its economic dynamism and some of its politically and socially stable nations, Africa holds many business prospects for foreign investors and entrepreneurs. For those looking to set up their business abroad, here are the top five countries where to invest in Africa according to the African Investment Index 2018.
Top seven countries to start a business in
Top seven countries to start a business in
For those with an entrepreneur mindset looking to start a business abroad, there is a lot of research to be done regarding which country provides the best conditions regarding all possible aspects. gives you an insight into the best countries for business in 2018, according to Forbes magazine.
Taxation in top expat destinations
Taxation in top expat destinations
Tax is a concern that will inevitably crop up if you're planning to live and work abroad. You're likely to pay different types of taxes depending on the country you're moving to. To avoid surprises, gives you an insight into the tax system of the most popular expat destinations.
Learn how to succeed in your job abroad
Learn how to succeed in your job abroad
Moving abroad for work can be a challenging experience. Even if you are excited about the prospect of adventure, you should bear in mind what is involved in expatriating to another country for your career. We have some advice on making your professional expatriation a success.
Earth Day: Environmentally conscious expat destinations
Earth Day: Environmentally conscious expat destinations
Earth Day is only a few hours away, and we at are getting into the spirit of the day. If you want to be an environmentally-friendly expat, the information below about the world's greenest countries may help you find your ultimate destination.