Work - Expat Magazine

Emerging work trends around the world: What expats should expect
Emerging work trends around the world: What expats should expect
A new trend among dynamic employees is working while walking, which not only boosts office performance but also enhances overall life productivity. As awareness of the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle grows, new work methods are emerging. It's also a matter of well-being, essential for better work performance. Here's everything you need to know if you're planning a professional adventure abroad.
How immigration fuels countries' economic growth  
How immigration fuels countries' economic growth  
Despite tighter reforms in global powers, immigration remains a vital engine for growth. This is the conclusion of the latest report from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) on the issue. Let's break it down.
Doctor crisis in the UK: Who's leaving, why, and where to?
Doctor crisis in the UK: Who's leaving, why, and where to?
High levels of dissatisfaction among doctors in the UK are driving them to move abroad or consider doing so in the near future. This predominantly concerns young, UK-trained GPs who feel overworked, underpaid and undervalued. Their destinations of choice are other English-speaking countries, especially Australia, New Zealand and Canada, but many of them are also opting for the UAE.
Relocating your business internationally: Key steps and legal considerations
Relocating your business internationally: Key steps and legal considerations
Relocating your business to another country involves complex operations such as managing personnel, communication, and the physical relocation. What should you take, sell, or donate? What formalities are required?  
Why Australia, the USA and Canada remain top expat countries
Why Australia, the USA and Canada remain top expat countries
The latest trends in international mobility present a paradox. Restrictive immigration policies do not deter foreign applicants; on the contrary. The strong economic health of traditional lands of immigration and the positive image of economic powers are among the factors that encourage workers to try their luck abroad. Here's an analysis.
How to handle a toxic work environment as an expat
How to handle a toxic work environment as an expat
Your expat life might be different from the dream you imagined in a poor workplace atmosphere with poor communication, excessive hierarchy, etc. There's a rift between you and your company, and the toxic environment makes you reconsider your stay in your host country. How can you get through this? Here are some tips.
Why Hungary and Malta may be the easiest countries to move to
Why Hungary and Malta may be the easiest countries to move to
Although they are not often ranked among the top countries for expatriates, Malta and Hungary can boast more straightforward entry and residence requirements compared to more popular destinations like the United States and Canada. How is moving to Malta or Hungary easier, and what are the benefits for expats and prospective expats?
How do expats benefit from the global flexwork boom?
How do expats benefit from the global flexwork boom?
Are we witnessing a flexwork boom around the world? From Singapore to the United Kingdom, via Spain, Iceland, Finland, and New Zealand, flexibility is being redefined and expanded internationally. This is a boon for expatriates and prospective expats.
Teaching abroad: These top countries are hiring now
Teaching abroad: These top countries are hiring now
Nurses and doctors, technology professionals, skilled manual workers—these are some professions that have experienced global labor shortages in recent years. In many countries, elementary and high school public teachers are also increasingly in demand. Because of the difficulty in hiring or retaining local teachers, schools are turning to the recruitment and even training of expat teachers.
Can you work abroad with disabilities?
Can you work abroad with disabilities?
Yes, it is indeed possible to work abroad with a disability, and yes, there are obstacles, whether the disability is visible or not. However, these barriers do not jeopardize the expatriation plan—far from it. Here are some practical tips for moving abroad with a disability.
Can artists practice anywhere in the world?
Can artists practice anywhere in the world?
There's a profession often overlooked in discussions about moving abroad: how do artists sustain themselves in a foreign country? Is it feasible to earn a living through art in pursuit of creative freedom? This aspect of artistic life is seldom addressed in visa regulations for artists, yet it holds significant importance, impacting how artists practice their craft overseas.
Multinational layoffs: What does this mean for international job seekers?
Multinational layoffs: What does this mean for international job seekers?
The tech world, already shaken in 2022-2023, is still in turmoil. As AI continues to develop, other sectors will come under the scrutiny of multinational corporations. What does this mean for aspiring expats? Should this be seen as a risk for international recruitment?
Is remote work the new normal for businesses? 
Is remote work the new normal for businesses? 
The way we work is undergoing a dramatic shift. What if the traditional office space becomes a relic of the past? What if the geographical location is no longer a barrier to recruiting top talent? Businesses embracing the remote working trend are seeing many benefits, especially when it comes to attracting and retaining foreign professionals.
Countries with the best work benefits for expats
Countries with the best work benefits for expats
When you accept a new job offer abroad, it's not only the salary that matters; benefits matter, too. Relocation assistance, flexible/remote working provisions, healthcare coverage, paid time off, and childcare benefits – all of these can make a big difference in how easy it is to adjust to life as an expat worker. 
How to prepare for life as a digital nomad
How to prepare for life as a digital nomad
Life as a digital nomad sounds like a lot of fun and allows for a lot more freedom. Those who love to travel will especially be drawn to this lifestyle. However, it's important to remember that it's still considered work (not a vacation!). While it may seem that it's as easy as packing up and flying somewhere new, there's a lot more thought that needs to go into it. To successfully sustain life as a digital nomad, there are a couple of things to consider to ensure that you're fully prepared.
Expat parents: How to relaunch your career after parental leave
Expat parents: How to relaunch your career after parental leave
After spending several years dedicated to full-time parenting, the time has come to re-enter the workforce. How do you approach this transition and prepare to impress recruiters? Additionally, are there particular countries that facilitate the process of returning to work after a parental break?
Working abroad? Don't forget these cultural issues!
Working abroad? Don't forget these cultural issues!
When working in a new country, it is not only the more formal aspects of the job—such as the salary and work hours stated in the contract—that matter. Many informal, even largely unspoken, cultural norms shape the experience of working in a foreign country. What are some of these cultural aspects that you should try to be aware of?
Should you move abroad to make more money?
Should you move abroad to make more money?
Your aim is straightforward: to work abroad and earn more money. You're not looking to relocate permanently but rather to return home with a fair amount of money. Achieving this goal involves considering various aspects. Here's a list of essential steps to ensure your project goes smoothly.