Maximum Visa for my Girlfriend

Hi, I am currently living and working in Saudi Arabia and I am wondering what is the longest my girlfriend can come stay with me? I live on a compound and no issues with her staying here. What I want to know is can I extend her stay over the 90 days holiday visa in a year by either crossing the border to the likes of Bahrain and then re-enter on a new 90 day visa or something like that?  Or is it only 90 days max in one year?. Thanks in advance

Hi Greg, you can apply for a 1 year multiple entry Vista Visa in which maximum stay in a single entry is 90 days, then you can go to Behrain and re-enter again for another 90 days.

@Kaby Hi, thanks for the reply. Will this work if we are not married?. We plan to get married but maybe next year so if that 1 year entry visa works for non married that would be brilliant.

@GregC43 just bring her here now the roles are relaxed for foreigners. you can stay together. No issue at all.

@Iftikhar Ahmad67 Ok, thank you for your reply