Private health insurance

It says on the application for the D7 that  they require us to have private health insurance until we qualify for residency. I understand that but can we not use the GHIC card as that covers most of the treatments and is paid by our government. The reason I ask is that we have been quoted by various insures around £1,000 per month which is totally unaffordable.

And I quote

The UK Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC) lets you get necessary state healthcare in EU countries, and some other countries, on the same basis as a resident of that country. This may be free or it may require a payment equivalent to that which a local resident would pay.

Many thanks


Hi @jeffthomas, Welcome.

GHIC and EHIC cover state healthcare only, not private treatment. You will be responsible for the cost of any treatment provided by a private doctor or private clinic.

As long as you are not resident in Portugal, you cannot benefit from the NHS. You therefore need to have private health insurance to cover your trip and stay. … gal/health

This issue has already been raised many times. Take a look at these links:

Experience sharing about Visas to Portugal (D7 & others)

Post #3 - D7, UK

Evidence that the applicant has travel insurance with health coverage … 42#5168245

Post #9


Private Healthcare System in Portugal
