Help about my rights as a mother of an italian child

Hi please can some one help me. Im a Tanzanian but got italian child and also got permit to stay in Italy which expires end of this year. My concern is that I have not been in Italy for 2yrs been leaving in UK. So as a mother to an Italian child am I still allowed to enter Italy with my permit or will it be difficult. As a mother to an italian citizen after my permit is expired can I get an italian passport because it was given to me for 5yrs.

Hi Laylat,

Welcome to the Forum; I'm not sure what the answer to your question is.  Most international laws regarding citizenship are based on the principal of "ju sanguinis", which basically means that citizenship is inherited from your ancestor (parent), so if anything your child is an Italian (which has been recognised by the issue of an Italian passport), who also has the right to Tanzanian citizenship (from yourself); the child's citizenship status does not influence your nationality.

However, I've just read the British Government Website and it would appear that under EU law, that as long as you're working, or self-sufficient (no social security), or a student, that because you're from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) and you're the family member of an EEA national (your child) you have the right to apply for a UK residence card.  There are more details on the UK Gov website; follow this link.

So, what I think the answer to your question is, you will remain a Tanzanian, but with the right to live in the UK for 5 years, after which you can apply for a permanent residence card.

My advice is to follow the process described in that link above and see how you get on.

One word of warning; this is based on the current law; you are probably aware of the current Brexit debates and there is no guarantee what the situation will be, 5 years after you get your initial residence card.

Hope this helps. :)