Credit search service in BR?


I have a two part question I hope someone might be able to go guide me.. I was just wondering if there is such a service that you could request a report on your credit status or look up items that are linked to your name - something similar to Equifax? 

Secondly, I know that the CPF may contain this type information, and access to this is quite openly available to store clerks etc but how do I as the owner of the CPF (if I actually do own it) check the contents and verify that what is listed is right and exact?  And can it be protected against fraudulent activity?  Is there somewhere online to view as a report?  And can anyone view anyone else's CPF content?

I am trying to get a sense on how building credit works and whether the process is similar to America or Europe aswell as protection.

Hope this makes sense.

Hello AfroPrince,

Yes, there are actually two separate credit reporting agencies, SPC and SERASA.  You can go to one of their offices provide them with your ID and CPF and they'll run a check for you for a small fee.

James Experts Team

Hi James 

This is great news, I actually haven't heard anyone discuss this so was curious.  Thanks so much for the info!

I think good idea to check. This is very easy to "steal" your CPF that it used for everything in Brazil.