Life in Kerala

I am an American male now living in Viet Nam and considering a move to India to learn about the culture. I am considering SW India for the closeness to the sea and a more quiet setting. I would like to be away from the tourists and be part of the everyday life somewhere. Since I have never been to India or Kerala can anyone recommend a city or area to look into? I would like to rent a small flat, meet some people and enjoy some great food. Thanks.

hi, great idea. You are most welcome to Kerala, south of India,


   First of all thank you for choosing India. Yes kerala is a great place to live but also here are some other places where you can live peacefully. Welcome to India...

     welcome to gods own country. i am from south of kerala near trivandrum, the capitalcity. what excatly are you looking for. when are you going? i am in the united arab emirates. in dubai. i will defnietly help you since i have my family and friends in kerala. you can also mail me at

take care