Getting married in Thailand


can my girlfriend and I get married in thailand without any hustle? like here in the philippines, if u wnt to get married quickly and hustle-free, you can go to manila city hall and everything will be process within the day. Is there something like that in Thailand? One-day processing marriage? if so, what are the requirements??

Thank you very much.

First of all, why do you want to know?
You are from the Philippines where you know you can get your marriage processed in one day. So why go to Thailand if you can also do it in your own country?

(it also does not sound very romantic to base your wedding location on the amount of hassle to get the marriage processed, but thats just my opinion).

But non-Thais can get married in Thailand, but it will give more trouble than marrying in your own country. You could best ocntact your embassy in Bangkok for the specifics, but expect to have all your documentation translated to Thai and varified by your embasssy in Thailand. Also after marriage you need your thai papers translated back and verified again. After that you can probably get your marriage acknowledged in your own country, but for this you should contact your local government.

All together it is more work to marry abroad since you still need to go through the paperwork of your home country AND you need to go to the paperwork of the country where you get married also.

If marriage is such a rush, what makes me so sure the other party is single or if there is anyone who may dispute or is someone is still in divorce proceedings?

Perhaps the person has lots of debts and need to get married quick to transfer or share the debt since both are spouse.

It could also be "short gun" and baby is coming so have a rush marriage.

If one is still married then a marriage will be impossible. One of the documents you need to show is a statement from your local government that you are not married (or divorced already).

But lets not speculate about the reason, the topic starter will is able to react himself :)