Expats with a job or freelance expats ?

I have been living in Madrid for more than 3 years, with a job in a french company. Now, I am going freelance, 'autonomo'.

I am curious to know how many of expats are working with a company and how many are freelance.
And, from the freelances, any advice or opinion welcome. I am discovering some things that are amazing me.

I've been "autonomo" for the last 5.5 years here in Madrid, am United Statesen, and have been sending invoices to clients the entire time. Submitting your invoices to "the powers that be" on your own can be daunting, particularly if you don't speak Spanish well or understand the system. I pay an Irish (bilingual) accountant to submit all my invoices and expenses and he also does my company and personal taxes for about 250 Euros monthly. That might sound like a lot, but it's a wonderful peace-of-mind to have. Every quarter I just print-out all my invoices and expenses, arrange my receipts and such according to type and date, and drop them off at his office. Done. Remember that as "autonomo", the minimum you can pay into the social security system is, what, 245 Euros (or thereabouts) per month. You can pay more for a better pension upon retirement, of course.

If you have questions, just ask!

Saludos, MadridMan @ http://MadridMan.com!

Thanks for the advice.
As I am beginning, I don't have too much invoices/expenses currently so I will do it by myself, and learn the process.

Hey MadridMan,

How are you?
It's been 15 months since I started and it has been a very good year.

I am currently working on my accounts to finalize all this before end of year. I don't have much bills but I would like some advice from a fiscal consultant with knowledge about 'communitary taxes'. I have some french customers who pay my bills but if I have spanish IVA (for instance for a taxi when going to airport), what am I supposed to do ?

If you know someone with this kind of knowledge or experience, he can contact me at jp_fayolle@yahoo.es
