Spanish Wealth Tax Question

I am U. S. citizen, plan to relocate to Valencia, Spain via Non Lucrative Visa (NLV) and intend to reside in Spain more than 183 days per year, thus I will be Spanish Resident Taxpayer.

I generally understand U.S./Spanish tax obligations relating to income/distributions derived from U.S. savings accounts, traditional/Roth IRAs (rolled-over 401-Ks) and U.S.  Security Security benefit payments.

However, I have questions on Spanish Wealth Tax.  Understand Spanish Wealth Tax is based on Worldwide Assets/Net Worth. (Understand also that taxable asset base determined regionally.)

My question is if taxable asset base includes traditional/Roth IRAs (rolled-over 401-Ks) as this constitutes bulk of my Worldwide Assets/Net Worth?  (Concerned that I will have to pay Spanish Wealth Tax on these assets prior to any distributions.)

Any feedback greatly appreciated.

@soshea001 worries abiut taxes! Check canaria! 179 day rules


As I understand it, the Spanish World Wide assets  - Form 720 is asking to be notified of your wealth - I have filed 2 form 720's with assets over a mil (savings) and have never been taxed on any of it.