Hello Everyone! New in Nagasaki

Hello, Naomi here!
So, I'm new to Expat.com's, so I thought I drop in and say hello!
Hmmm, what else to say... I'm 23, and currently living in Nagasaki as a JET. At first I was a bit dubious and a worried, but it's actually a pretty great job and I love living here most of the time. Rich with history and a myriad of cool café's, Nagasaki is definitely a place to visit!

My day to day life is pretty simple, but I do do some cool things sometimes, and I'm always on the look out for new café's!
If you think Nagasaki is cool ( which it totally is!) You can read more about it on my blog!
I would love to get to know more people living all across Japan, so please don't hesitate to say hello!

Matta ne!

Naomi, Hi, Have you eaten a nagasaki ramen? what taste?

What are you doing for work- and how did you find your job? do you speak Japanese?

what is JET ?

Hello! I applied for my job on the JET website, which is an organization that sends native speakers of English to Japan, to work as English language teachers. It's very fun!
I can speak conversational Japanese and I can get by in many situations. However, many JETs come here with no Japanese. So long as you study hard when you get here, it should be fine!
Hope this helps!

Dear I even don't know your gender, anyway you are most welcome in Japan

Moderated by Christine 9 years ago
Reason : off topic

Nice to meet you Naomi,
I am pretty sure that you are having a great time in Nagasaki. No doubt it is a great city with great people. I live in countryside, a bit quiet non the less, a great village. So, which part of Nagasaki are you residing in. We can catch up if you got some free time..

Hello rohitpokharel,

Please note that this is an old thread, you might not get a response from Naomi as she has not been active on the forum since.

Wishing you all a happy new year
