Healthcare in Swaziland


how does the healthcare system work in Swaziland ? Is it efficient ?

What are the main differences between public and private sectors?

Is it recommended to purchase private health insurance in Swaziland?

Thanks in advance for sharing your experience !


The general rule is to go to South Africa for serious medical problems. Any minor problems from cuts and bruises to regular things thats non life threatening or chronic the private clinics should be able to handle just fine. From an expat point of view I would avoid government hospitals for various reasons one is the long ques of people waiting before you.

Hi Supertraveller,

Thank you for this sharing of information ! :)


Youre welcome Priscila doesnt seem like many people are updating the Swaziland forum.


In order to help expats and soon-to-be expats, we would like to invite you to share your experience on this topic, with updated info on the healthcare system.

Thank you in advance,

Julie Team

Moderated by Sarvesh 7 years ago
Reason : This topic is about the healthcare system in Swaziland.
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