Want to live and work in Burkina Faso

Good morning everyone, my name is Michael from Ghana.. am new here. I'm preparing to relocate to Burkina Faso and please I will need your assistance on how to get house to rent .. cost... Then work to do without work permit.. if I will get work permit how much is it?.. thanks..


Hello and welcome !

What do you mean the work to do without work permit ? We don't provide illegal information on the forum.

To be able to live and work in Burkina Faso, you need a work permit and to obtain a work permit, you need to find an employer.



Ok so how do I find an employer?

Thank you..

Then what about the renting of house ?.. price... Room and parlor.. or selfcon... Or a room.. can you give me price.. thanks..

Hello again,

I have create this new thread on the Burkina Faso forum so that members settled here might guide you..

While waiting for their responses, you may create your CV in the Jobs in Burkina Faso section and on LinkedIn and check for ads in the Housing section.

All the best


Hello guys… hello @Bhavna please help out guys, i am a nigeria, seeking to find a job in burkina faso.

i studied international relations, i have professional certifications in HR, Customer relationship management,  innovation marketing. i am willing to transition, i just need a good paying job in US Dollars. any help?


Hello and welcome !

Unfortunately , we can not find you a job.

All job seekers are required to create their CV in the Jobs in Burkina Faso section for better visibility.

You may also google search for open positions or recruitment websites.

You can also try to contact recruitment agencies listed here : https://www.expat.com/en/business/afric … so/1_jobs/

All the best


@Bhavna thanks a million… will check em out

How much is house rent . mini flat furnish and unfinished house?