Can expat mom sponsor her kids

Hi  everyone,

Currently i am staying bahrain with my husband and kids. I am working in a private sector.  My husband is planning to go to other for better job opportunities for 1 year. I don't want to relocate for this time period.  Is it possible that i can sponsor my kids for this time period.


Unfortunately you cannot.


If I understood correctly, your husband is leaving Bahrain?  if he physically leaves Bahrain i.e. gets his work permit cancelled then it is a possibility.  Then he has to give a notarised NOC allowing you to sponsor the kids.  If he is not leaving or not getting his work permit cancelled, you cannot sponsor the kids - expat moms are not allowed to do that and very few exceptions allowed only for senior people in financial services industry.

The only other option is if you have an investor visa.  NOC still needed but kids can be sponsored.

don't know whether it will help.but my sister a doctor could sponsor her child as her husband is required as xtang mentioned an NOC from father and some head banging  :D through out the procedure as it is a bit tiresome.