Driving license

i came to italy on work basis in september 2010 and got the residency permit (sjorno) in december 2010. I want to know whether i can drive in italy on international licence from india.

Hi bikram2308 :)

I hope other members will be able to advise you soon!


Once you get your residency you can only use your international license for 1-year, after that you need to have an Italian drivers license.  Your residency is different than your soggiorno, once you've found a place to stay and registered with the commune and you've been given your Carta d'Identita then you've established residency, your international license will be valid for one year after that.

thanks andy, i got my residency and identity card from commune. thanks for the information.

but i heard that i can use international license only if i have completed 1 year of residency in italy, is it true, please give me some more information on this.

From what I know you can only use your international license for the first year after you've established residency.  Say you established your residency on 01 Dec 2010, you can use your international license until 30 November 2011, after that you have to have the Italian license.  You don't have to wait one year to use your international license, in fact if you waited a year it would already be invalid.

Yes, u can drive it with the International licence from India, no issues at all :) Enjoy driving :)

are you sure Rajatn ?
I knew that BEFORE was possible to use worldwide licences and convert them... but they told me that the actual situation is different and you have to make one HERE...
Maybe this rule has not effect on ALL countries? :/

I would say that you should go to the comune and ask that question. As I have noticed recently Italian are growing tired of "extracumunitaries" and they have less patience to deal with issues like this. So just make it simple and keep it to one year or less after residence. Thanks!

Hi Luisto,

This thread is from 2011, we recommend members not to dig up old threads.

Thanks for the info anyway, it might help members.

All the best,

Hi im looking to get italian driving license but i cant speak italian anyone tell me how to get it. Plzz   
And my time for carta is also finish i mean i want to apply for carta or long term permesso di sogoirno. Plz help if u know som information. Thnxx

And i heard from some one its easy to get driving license in poland or romania.

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