Tourist visa to renew in Vung Tau

May I know who to find in Vung Tau for the renew, thank you

@Laurent futur Nha Trang may I know who to find in Vung Tau for the renew, thank you

you see the dates on these posts???..............they are talking about renewing the old style visa not the e visa

@Laurent futur Nha Trang may I know who to find in Vung Tau for the renew, thank you

Hi there petsungyung. Thank you for your first post.

As goodolboy suggested, the information contained in this thread is quite outdated, many of its points no longer applicable.

Are you here on a tourist visa? If so, your only option to extend your stay is to apply (again) for a new eVisa, exit the country (by land or air), and reenter on the date stated on your newly acquired eVisa.

I hope this helps. Feel free to ask any additional questions you might have.

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