Illegals should be deported says Ito Bisonó

On November 14, 2022, the Minister of Industry and Commerce, Ito Bisonó, said that anyone that moves to the DR needs to respect the Dominican constitution, Dominican laws, the religion of Dominicans, Dominican culture... if not, they should never move to the DR. Plus, those foreigners already in the DR and not willing to do any of those things, the DR should either deport them to their country or help them move to another country that apparently wants them.

While this is genersl concerning all foreigners, it goes without saying that an illegal immigrant is violating the migration laws of the DR and he says any foreigner intending to violate Dominican laws should never move to the DR and those foreigners already in the DR violating Dominican laws should be deported or sent to a third country that wants them. … b_imp_woyt

@windeguy why is this concerning? ( Well other than a hugely corrupt police force)