
Immobili in Birmania

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In ordine alfabetico
Espace Avenir Executive Serviced Apartments
Manish Gupta

523, Pyay Road, near Hledan Center, kamaryut township, yangon myanmar

Myanmar Mega Property
San Aung
1 Raccomandazioni

No.984, Aung Minglar Street, Insein Township

Clover Suites
Chris Deng
1 Raccomandazioni

No.10, Ngar Htat Gyi Pagoda Street, Bahan Township

Myanmar Mega Property
San Aung
2 Raccomandazioni

984, Aung Mingar Street, Insein Township

Yangon Housing

No(199) ,Hanthar Yeikmon Housing,Kamayut

Peace Treasure (PT) Real Estate
Yuki Ko

Room 001, Building 2, Aung Chan Thar housing, East Shwegonedine Rd, Bahan Township

Savills Myanmar limited
Addy (Aung Zaw Htoo)

192,Bo Myat Htun Street, Pazundaung Township

Dolphin Twin
Yee Mon
1 Raccomandazioni

Insein Tsp

Peace Treasure Property Co Ltd

No 2. Room (001) Aung Chan Thar HousingEast Shwegonedine Road

Khaing Family Realty
Winston Avatt
2 Raccomandazioni

13-51 Golden Palm HousingYankin, YangonMyanmar

Savills Myanmar Limited
Richard Emerson(country manager)
1 Raccomandazioni

192, Bo Myat Htun Street, Pazundaung Township

Estate Yangon
Kyaw Thu

7, Myathida Street, Block (3), Kamayut Township

Hintha Business Centre

Floor 3, 608 Merchant Road (Corner of 31st and Merchant)

YGN Services Co.,Ltd

No. 20, 1st Floor, 166 Street, Tamwe Township, Yangon

Serv-Smart (Serviced Offices and Virtual Offices in Yangon)

77/2B Dhamma Zedi Rd, corner of U Wisara Rd, Sanchaung Township


Hledan Centre No. 512, 5th FloorCorner of Pyay Road and Hledan Road, Kamayut Township

Isariya Real Estate Service Company Limited

16/, 3, 3rd Floor, Kyun Daw Street, San Chaung

Tandt Real Estate Services Co., Ltd

82 Inya Rd, Kamayut Township

Sky Bridge
Moe Moe Nyein

A-406, High Way Complex, Simmalite Kamayut

aung kyaw zin myint

Omphwa Building,Mya Kwar Nyo Housing,8th Quarter,Taketa Township,