Mexico's Gringo Hunters

Baldomero Barrientos Banuelos has been at large for almost three decades
after allegedly killing his wife in North Hollywood, California, and then
fleeing U.S. law enforcement by crossing into Mexico.

"Some of these guys are really good at blending in," says a U.S. cop
familiar with the pursuit of U.S. lawbreakers who cross to South of
the Border to escape pursuit and punishment.

Some of these fugitives prefer to stay close to the U.S., hiding out in
places such as Tijuana.  Others go far to the south, all the way to
Baja California near the tip of the long Mexican peninsula hundreds
of milles from the border.

Many fugitives are not as fortunate as Barrientos Banuelos.
They are hunted and apprehended by a Mexican police international
"liaison unit" known informally as the Gringo Hunters.

Since the unit was formed 20 years ago, 1600 subjects sought
for crimes in the U.S. have been caught in Mexico by the
Gringo Hunters.

The F.B.I. uses tips, phone records and the records from
international wire transfers to aid in tracking down U.S.
criminals who have fled and moved to Mexico.

The cases are passed on to the Gringo Hunters.  Successful
Hunters receive plaques, FBI merchandise and gift
certificates as thanks for their jobs well done.

Some of the Hunters' methods are described in a
long article just published by The Washington Post.


The source of this post is an article posted on
June 3, 2022 (updated the next day) in the
Post by a reporter who went on
multiple hunting trips in Mexico with the
Gringo Hunters.

Thanx for the warning 😆