Do you know a fenchman , his name is Nocolas Guyot

Je suis français. i am fraench.
Si vous habitez bali vous pourrez peut être répondre à ma question.If you live in Bali perhaps you can answer to my question.

Connaissez vous un homme qui s'appelle Nicolas Guyot. Il est français et réside à Bali depuis plusieurs années. 
Do you know a fenchman . his name is Nocolas Guyot. he live in Bali since many years.

He is a friend of me.
Thank you if you can help me

Jean Gontier   victortunis

Hello victortunis and welcome to!

A new discussion has been created on the Bali forum for better visibility.

Could you please use only English in this Anglophone forum so that other members may understand?

I hope that other members will help you soon.


je suis son cousin

mors d'un prochain contact ( rare ) je lui ferai part de votre recherche



May I suggest you contact "the Honorary French Consul" here in Bali

e-mail     [email protected]
my best regards     Howard

Does he have long hair...? seems easy going. Nicolay or Nocolay? cause i had somebody came to see the room for rent the other day. Je ne connais son surname.