Permanent Visa (VIPER) for Canadian / CPF

What are requirements needed for this Visa and CPF photo ID card?

Do you need CRIMINAL RECORD CHECK with figure prints or just CRIMINAL RECORD CHECK?

Robbdoo, Welcome,
Are you married to a Brazilian? Do you want to invest in an existing business or start one? Want to retire in Brasil?
I recommend you start with the BR Consulate in your area and see the requirements. There are basically 3 ways to get a CRNM.
There are many requirements. Many documents needing to be translated and legalized/apostilled, plus the CPF and Federal background check.

I want to buy a house and retire in Brazil.

Look at the retirement visa on the CA site. It will guide you.


Yeah depending on your location per Province. Requirements will be similar. Your lucky as the itamary in Canada is pretty much a one stop shop for your entry requirements.

Also Canada isn't part of the apostle. They process it as is in itamary !