Looking for 'the girl on the train'

ok i hope this is acceptable and of course i mean no offence to anyone.
i'm just really looking for a girl, that took the same train i did, from Milan to Verona, on Wednesday 28 July 2021,  08:25 - 10:15 in the morning.
i don't know if she lives in Milan, i don't know if she lives in Verona, i don't even know if she's italian to begin with; though it did look like it was just a routine ride for her. she has long brown hair, with blond highlights, wears glasses and had a small backpack.

if you read this, i am sorry i did not talk to you! i am looking for you, knowing that i will probably never find you.

I wonder asking if you are falling for her and regret you did not talk to her? Did she give you looks?