Life as a digital nomad in Norway

Hi everyone,

Digital nomadism has become more and more popular in the past few months and Norway seems to be the perfect spot for it.
If you are a digital nomad yourself, please share with us your experience of this new way of working in Norway.

What motivated you to take the plunge? And why did you choose Norway as your new home?

Were you granted a special visa? What documents did you need to apply for it?

Which sectors allow you to establish yourself as a digital nomad? What do you do for a living?

Where do you work: in a coworking space, at home, in cafes or outdoors? Is your internet connection satisfactory?

How did you find your accommodation in Norway? What did you opt for: a flat / house on your own, co-housing, or a room in a bed and breakfast? How much do you spend on your accommodation each month?

Thanks for your contribution!

Diksha, team

Dear Diksha. I am a Norwegian that has lived great parts of my life as a digital nomad. Next spring we are opening up a coliving coworking place on the west coast of can check out our website is a wonderful, 400-year-old farmhouse. And we are very close to some spectacular places, fjords and coast areas.

I'd love to learn from people who had to get visas to be a digital nomad in Norway where the process is

complicated and demanding. For instance, I'm a freelancer based in Turkey, and it is a lot of work to get even a tourist visa for us. Otherwise, I'd have moved to Norway as a freelancer ages ago. :)

Norway does not offer a digital nomad type visa, so it's definitely not the friendliest place to do this kind of work … in-norway/

that said, IT jobs are much more work-from-home friendly which does allow a CERTAIN level of nomadism, although taxation can be a bit complicated. My employer is not based in Norway but we had to register as a company here to pay taxes and provide my access to healthcare and other benefits.