yeah. dont give up everyone. as i shared before, i had some tuition grant issue with my return this year. continued my studies in 2016 after getting rejected (spass) for many times. so they attacked me again lol but thank god all is well now !

@noriel633 hi noriel, we have the same case. The appeal was rejected 3x. Any update on your case?

No i didn't
Hi @Shekhz, After SPASS cancellation, I received a letter from MOM as well that i can extend until 89 days. I was so anxious because my STVP will expire on July 29 so, i did an online extension on July 20 (it  was indicated on the site 7 days before Pass expiry?) Dont you think it will affect my application?
Thank you so much.
imeldachen88 wrote:

Besides, when my previous company cancel my S Pass in Sept, I received email from MOM that I can apply for STVP up to 89 days to look for a new employment.

This is an interesting, new fact. So far, the post-work-pass STVPs were limited to 30 days with no possibility to extend.
Is yours an exceptional case, or is this the new normal?

- @beppi

Hi @beppi, i received the same letter after my pass was cancelled. Same thoughts... is this really normal?
There are several threads where people have been given STVP extensions. 89 days isn't a norm (yet), it still is 30 days with a possibility of extension (under applicable reasons).

Hi All.

Employer submits EP app - 3rd Nov

Result Rejected due to High Salary - 8th Nov

Appeal submitted - 8th/9th Nov

HR and Company VP said re-appeal might take 1-2 or 3 weeks.

Hoping to get positive result before 28th Nov (because I will start to the other company locally here in Philippines if will not work). If ever EP is approved past 28th Nov. They may need to wait for my 3 months mandatory notice. :(

Hi @jtn97 , hopefully it comes out before!

my HR is set to appeal as well but they didn't tell me the reason for rejection… has the status of your application changed on MoM website?

@Shekhz  hi,what if appeal gets rejected,will it appear rejected. From what I read,only employer can see appeal status.

@Shekhz the only way to know whether my spass appeal is rejected is through my employer?


I had my EP application rejected on 04-Feb. The reason was that my base salary was below EP threshold. The employer conducted another round of interview and finally increased my base to the level slightly above threshold.

my questions are:

when appeal is made do I get to know status of it by myself? I mean when I checked on EP the status immediately changes from invalid to pending? Does this mean they have appealed or submitted a new EP application?

tentative in this case how long it should take to get approved?

Yes, a "pending" status means that a new application or an appeal has been submitted..

How long it will take? Nobody knows!

@beppi usually what are the % of success rate for EP if the initial reason for rejection has been addressed. ?

@vardhaan2 If all rejection reasons are addressed (meaning removed, in the eyes of MoM), then the approval is assured. But you never know if there are additional ones, on top of what MoM initially tells you. Read the thread "How long will my work pass (EP, S-Pass, WP) application take" to understand this!

@beppi Today marks my end of 2nd week and MOM has yet not approved my EP appeal. Still I see pending status. May be I am paranoid but is it true that longer they take to review, higher are the chances of rejection?

is it true that longer they take to review, higher are the chances of rejection?

No, that is not true!

It only means they aren't finished with the evaluation and you have to wait longer for their decision.

@beppi I just pulled out the reason the reason for the rejection of my previous EP application. It is says like this:

As spoken, we have received the outcome of your EP application-Rejected.

-    This candidate does not meet the qualifying criteria (which includes salary, qualifications and experience) for an Employment Pass.

Next is on 3rd march, my employer filed an appeal and changed the base pay to new threshold as per the SAT. Are there further more chances or reasons for rejection of appeal?

@vardhaan2 If low pay was the only rejection reason, the appeal has a chance of success.

But if there were other reasons, they should have been addressed as well.

Did your employer attempt to contact the processing officer and find out?

@beppi Thanks for your note. So the last i checked with employer was on Last Friday, and employer said that they would do follow up once the mandatory 3 weeks of appeal processing time is finished (which in my case would be end of this week as this is my 3rd early start).

I plan to send a follow up question on this to employer on next Monday (27- March).

what I worry from rumours that I have heard that some people say MOM officers have ego complex as well as. If they take it on their ego, then they are determined to reject.

what I worry from rumours that I have heard that some people say MOM officers have ego complex as well as. If they take it on their ego, then they are determined to reject.

MoM has clear and reproducible criteria for work pass approval or rejection. They certainly try to keep individualprocessing officer's emotions out of the picture as much as possible. But they are of course still humans and have feelings. That's why it is important to contact the officer and discuss the path forward before submitting an appeal. The originators of such rumours seem to not understand this and prefer to blame MoM.

@beppi yeah I understand with you. I believe best is to wait till end of this week before doing any follow up with the employer as my 3 weeks of appeal period is still not over.

@vardhaan2 There is no "three weeks period for appeal" - it takes as long as it takes.

@beppi Hi, Big day for me.

Finally the APPEAL WAS APPROVED. my IPA letter has been released.

Here is the timeline for the entire journey:

Offer received: 04 Jan-2023

EP Applied: 08-Jan-2023

EP Rejected: 02-Feb-2023

New rounds of interview conducted till 28-Feb-2023

EP Appeal applied: 03-Mar-2023

EP Appeal approved: 24-Mar-2023 (Total time 21 days)