Internship in London Scholarships??


I have accepted an internship with a London company through an abroad organization called Beyond Academy. The housing and tuition is very expensive, and I have been trying to research any scholarship or aid opportunities for this endeavor. The specifics of my situation are:

- already enrolled in internship program, and have accepted a position
- the internship is unpaid, but I still have to pay for the program
- it begins in fall 2021, and lasts for four months
- the total out of pocket cost I still have to cover is about $7000

If there are any websites, organizations, or resources you know of that may help me at ALL, I would be so grateful for your comment. Thank you so much.


You signed up for a program with a private company that organizes internships and accommodation for young people. For that you pay a fee, that's how that company earns their money.

I am not aware of any UK-based scholarships for foreign interns in for-profit programs.

Maybe there is an organization in the US you could apply to for aid?

There are partnership programs between governments that cost the applicant very little but those would require a lot more planning and preparation from your side and what you signed up for is not that type of thing.