Comparison of working freelance with as an employee in Italy

Hi - I'm wondering if anyone here has experience of working both as an employee and as a freelancer in Italy, and can offer any rough advice to me please?

I currently work as an employee in Italy, but am considering accepting a job offer from a company who aren't based in Italy, and would need to employ me on a freelance basis.  The gross salaries are approximately the same.

I'm interested to know how my take-home, net income each year might vary in these two scenarios.

For example, to take the freelance position I understand I'd be obligated to make payments to INPS.  On the other hand, I assume I'd be able to deduct things like a portion of my rent (I'd work from home), and bills like Internet connection, perhaps a portion of heating costs etc. in the freelance situation.

Obviously "the devil is in the detail" that might affect this, but broadly, does anyone have experience have both situations can can advise approximately what I might expect here.

Thanks in advance.


Hello it's complicated, I suggest you ask an accountant = comercialista. You'll need one if you go freelance.  Best Olivia

Depends how old you are.  If you are young and can opt for flat tax it could be to your advantage, at least for the first 5 years.

Thanks for your comments both, I'm speaking with my comercialista and will see how it works out.