Residency requirement

I was told that if I apply for recidency as married to an Honduran citizen I must be married at least 2 years. Is this 2 years requirement true??

Article 36 of the Law of Migration of Honduras states that a Foreign that gets married to a Honduran may obtain a Residency Permit based on that marriage.
Article 37 of the Bylaws of the Law of Migration of Honduras states that a Foreign that gets married to a Honduran may acquire a Residency Permit AFTER Three (3) years have gone by from the date of the Marriage.

Gracias, pero conosco extranjeros que han obteniido su permiso con menos de dos anos atraves de casamiento

Señor Betancourt: Mi opinión y colaboración la proporciono en base a lo que indica la Ley; desconozco los fundamentos para la obtención de un Permiso de Residencia por Matrimonio cuando aún NO se han cumplido los Tres (3) años que señala el Reglamento de la Ley de Migración.
Mi mejor consejo es que le consulte a los Extranjeros que Usted dice conocer y que ellos le indiquen o refieran al Abogado que utilizaron para obtener esos resultados

Hello Betancourt46 & Jorge Lopez,

Since we are on the anglophone side of the Honduras forum, posts in other languages except English are not allowed.

Please only converse in English in your future posts to abide by the forum's rules and for the sake of English-speaking members who may benefit from the information being shared here. :)

Thanks in advance,


Yes it is confusing, just yesterday met an american who got married recently and got the residency by marriage. Also had a discussion with imigration in Tegu and was told there no waiting period once you get married; that is I can apply for residency. Its crazy