Tournage film 2-3 juillet : besoin de figurants!


Une connaissance recherche des figurants occidentaux pour le tournage d'une scene d'un film vietnamien sur la guerre ce weekend :

"The Cinema firm of Vietnamese Military is making movie about the war Franco-Vietnamien. Beside some main characters, we also need western men to play as soldier/ general/ agent/ spy...
- Scene: an important meeting of french leaders
- Place: 33A Pham Ngu Lao strt, near the old quarter (our National Defense Ministry guesthouse now)
- Quantity: 10
- Age: 20-40
- Sex: male
- Time: 8am-4pm saturday and sunday
- Payment: 1 million
U don't have to do anything. Just come there, let them make up and dress up for u, chilling, watching, talking,...waiting for your shooting, see how vietnamese ppl making movie. Trust me, it's gonna b lots of fun!
Please inform me before friday.
Thanks you all mates! Hope to see some of you there!"

Tenez moi au courant au plus tot si vous etes interesses, ca peut etre une experience tres sympa!


A Hanoi je supose...
Jái été régisseur, jŽaurais bien voulu y aller... nostalgie

en effet le Pham Ngu Lao de te raconterais si j'y participe, ou meme si je ne fais qu y assister!
