Fresh long stay visa


I am waiting to apply for fresh long stay visa, However as of now VFS is only accpeting application of people having code B29 in annex 46.
Due to this delay, After 10th august validity of my passport will be less than 1 year. As per documents mentioned for visa, Passport should be valid for atleast 1 year while submitting documents.
I checked with embassy but they simply said to wait, is anyone aware if i should apply for renewal of my passport?
Will it cause any issue as i got my work permit approval and annex 46 on my existing passport.


Did they give you any timeline for the reprocessing of B34?

We are indeed still waiting for our Government's decision to lift the restrictions on single permit holders without code B29.

Above is the latest reply I got from them

Do you already live in Belgium? Anyway you will need a  new passport, I really should renew it ASAP