Need help with admin after moving

Hi I've just moved to another city. I have a piece of paper that says I'm a resident of Portugal. It has my old address on it. I got it from the câmara.

I also have a car that broke down just before the lockdown and is now two months behind on the date of the green slip in the windshield. The inspection should have been in march. I've just got it fixed so I can start to get all the documentation and stuff done.

The matriculation is also registered to the old address. The insurance is going to expire in two weeks. I'm so confused about what I need to do and the order I need to do it. Can anyone help?

Hi, I don't know if you have already solved your problem.
Inspection date: this date must be complied. Since you have just got it fixed, it is ok. If it is already outdated while having a meeting with the police, it is a problem...

Insurance: must be paid a couple of days before expired, or by bank transfer, ATM in payment services (option entity xxxxx, reference, amount) or maybe at the insurance agency.

Matriculation with old address: For a portuguese citizen, since 2017, due to Simplex government policies to simplify citizen relationship with government agencies, this is no longer necessary, the address inscribed in the Citizen Card is the only one that must be updated. In your case, I suggest you should try to check it out at IMT online website, or within any citizen store at IMT department balcony (loja do cidadão)