Parent can be my dependent


I want some information that my parents can come with to Brazil and apply under me as my dependent

I am research will get temporary residence visa, so my wife and children will apply under as my dependent, my parents can also apply?

You have not stated any qualifications to be eligible to immigrate to Brazil...


Thank you for your reply.

I will works as PostDoc in the university

What type visa?
You will need to have a permanent CRNM to be able to claim a dependent.
Any temporary visa such as IV and others are temporary.

Normally, you have to be a permanent resident (with CRNM) to bring your parents. If thatŽs a post graduate work to complete your doctoral dissertation, thatŽs a student visa

But there are conditions depending on your situation if I read you right. If youŽll be granted a temporary visa due to:

a. research or academic teaching or extension
b. as a student

[link moderated]


I havenŽt finished and already link under review.
Ok. If I read you right, you fall on temporary visa under Category I (Research) or as a student (Categoty IV).

There is another classification which falls under "courtesy visa" of dependents for family reunification that arenŽt eligible for diplomatic of official visa. IŽm sure your wife and children falls under that. And why not your parents? TheyŽre family members arenŽt they?

You should ask the Brazilian consulate/embassy for that to make sure.


Another link under review... My apologies!


Yes visa academic research/cultural (VITEM I)
visa or you can say temporary visa type 1

I should ask Brazilian consulate/embassy in my country?

Yes. Your parents should also qualify especially if they´re your dependents.
