COVID-19 and expatriation in the USA

Hello everybody,

The COVID-19 crisis inevitably impacts the USA, between closed airports or periods of containment in some cities or even the entire country .
We would like to hear from you during this unusual period, to find out what the consequences of this pandemic are on your expatriation or expatriation project in the USA.

Does the current crisis call into question your long-term expatriation project?
If you are already settled in the USA, do you plan to return to your home country?

How are you living through such an uncertain period, especially if you are far from your loved ones?

Have any of you ended your expatriation in the USA unexpectedly?

Paradoxically, has this crisis brought you closer to some people?

What are your plans for the future?

Thank you very much for your feedback.

Hope you are doing well.


For brothers and sisters who are suffering from the alarming pandemic called Coronavirus I wish that God hears the cries and sees what is going on in the entire world so that he can send the healing rain. I have compassion for my brothers and sisters in US, DRC and in the whole world. My prayer is that God gives the capacity and ability to all Ministers of Public Health so that they can kick out this COVID-19.

For brothers and sisters who are suffering from the alarming pandemic called Coronavirus I wish that God hears the cries and sees what is going on in the entire world so that he can send the healing rain. I have compassion for my brothers and sisters in US, DRC and in the whole world. My prayer is that God gives the capacity and ability to all Ministers of Public Health so that they can kick out this COVID-19.

I came to the US very young,lived in NJersey,New York City and Los Angeles for many years.Love Los Angeles.Now I am a senior(young at heart,retired from nursing) living in a small town in No. California.What brought me here,living in a small town,my answer: I was kidnapped by my late husband  a few years ago,otherwise would live in Los Angeles where there are many Brazilians living there.My choice to return is to live with my family which I miss every day,mostly on holidays and be with old friends.I left Brazil physically speaking but my heart was left home.Have dual citizenship and love the US,would rather to live here if my family was near me.Every year I go to Brazil for 2,3 months and enjoy the social life I don't have here.People are nice but not close ties,the Latin ways,visiting friends and relatives weekly,having get together any time,and those wonderful barbecues.In the final analise,I am happy in the US,again I love this country but my heart is calling me to go home.Hopefully I'll be able to do in 2,3 years as I have real estate and cannot just pack and leave.Hope I answered your questions and you are free to ask more if you wish.VeraGauchaAmerican

Very good questions though.
For the first time this year, I purchased two tickets to Europe: one in May and one for Christmas. I planed to be back in my country by origin for 3 months total. This Chinese virus changed it. I am semiretired and have most of my family in Eastern Europe. I am worried about them, especially for my daughter in law. She is expecting and I really am thinking of her every day and night.
(I call this virus Chinese because I think China didn't alarm the world society about the real volume of the danger. All we were unprepared for such a crisis and we are paying now with lives. Chinese people should ask their government for more transparency, and if not given, they should fight for it. I see how China will lose a lot of markets because of it. This will be a catalyst for changes there.)
Back in my life: I am sad to see how the life of everyone is changed. Now I dream of being in a Bulgarian restaurant with my friend. Something so simple became an unachievable dream for now. I can talk more about how my life changed, but better place here a song, an old rock song and the text is especially valid for a situation like the one we all are in:

Wear your new clothes, boys!

Don't say tomorrow we'll be beautiful!
Don't say tomorrow we will be happy!
Don't say tomorrow we will be, we will be ...
We will love tomorrow,
tomorrow we will be loved.
Wear your new clothes, boys!
We fall as we walk, we die as we sleep.

Don't say tomorrow we'll start the big one
today to make a living.
Don't say tomorrow we'll be honest!
We'll be quiet today ...
Wear new clothes, boys
Walking - we fall, dreaming - net.

Do not say tomorrow with a shout on the square
I will tell the truth, then - at the stake!
To the stake, but tomorrow, and today endure.
Today we have to remain silent.
Wear your new clothes, boys We
fall as we go.
We die as we sleep.

Stefan Tsanev

We are doing fine,myself and my American husband living in Northern California,nothing to do in a small town,hoping we can go back to travel around this country.Family in Brazil doing fine too,staying at home.I have a gipsy free spirit and always thinking where to go next.Reno,Nevada hotels/casinos offering great rates for the entire year,Grand Sierra won't charge resort fees,so get your suitcase ready,must book up to May 15th.Offer for Californians and other States,cannot remember others.

I was studying in the United States last year when I left for Taiwan.  I was scheduled to return to North Carolina in March of this year, but did not.  I have no idea if my visa is still valid, but I would not attempt a return at this time.