Saudi Birth Certificate


My daughter was born in Jeddah on 6th June 1988 and I have got her name endorsed in her mother's passport which confirms that my daughter is born in Jeddah, Date of Birth, Temporary Certificate No. etc.

How am I going to get Saudi Brith Certificate for my daughter?

Please guide me.


Hello. Did you receive any help regarding your issue?

One of my uncle faced same issue for her daughter 3-4 years back

If you lost your birth certificate and you were born here in Saudia, and now you moved to home country, following article will help you

Short answer: Your embassy/consulate

He did following steps (may be they updated the procedure during COVID):
1. You must have all your wife's old passports  ( in which stamp, DOB is mentioned with the picture of baby)
2. Scan all the passports & iqama of your wife and your daughter
3. Try to add supporting documents, like vaccination certificate, any old official papers that clearly indicates your and your daughters names
4. If you have any friend in Jeddah, ask him to print all above mentioned documents and take it to embassy/consulate
5. Embassy will guide you, as per my knowledge they will write letter to MOI & Civil Affairs (may be MOH)
6. After getting some reply, your friend will visit hospital where your daughter was born
7. They will issue some notification, if they had record, otherwise I think they will refer you to MOH
8. MOH will issue you some notification,
9. Your friend will visit Ahwal madni ( civil affairs), and they will issue birth certificate)
10. in above steps, MOFA of your home country and KSA was also involved, your embassy will guide you, it was more related to authorization of letters

May be I missed something, if you complete process, please correct me and post with updated steps for others. Thanks

MOH means Ministry of Health
MOI means Ministry of Interior (Jawazat)
MOFA means Ministry of Foreign Affairs

She born at 1988? Why she needs birth certificate now? She must be a senior.