Cancelling EPF Participation for expat

Greeting all,

Is there a process to cancel epf participation for an expat?

Just as a note  that I still continue my employment in Malaysia with the same employer, it is just I don't want to contribute no more. It is only 3rd month since I moved here  so I don't bother to withdraw my previous contribution.

Thanks for any advise

As far as I know that EPF for foreigners is flexible and up to the employer. I did EPF with my previous employer and don't with the current one. Give gov a call as eventually you have to cancel from the authority. By the way, has your employer agreed on your intention?

Unfortunately, once you started EPF contribution under the same employer, you are unable to stop the contribution.
Just checked with EPF for this issue few months back. I'd cross check with 3 EPF officers on this issue and conclusion is as below:
Withdrawal only possible when you are leaving Malaysia
Stopping EPF contribution only possible when you change employer and you opt not to contribute under new employer.