Expat interest in politics in Norway

Hello everyone,

As an expat, your day-to-day life in Norway is impacted by decision-making at the political level in your host country as well as in your country of origin. We would like to know how involved you think expats should be in the political day-to-day of either their host or home country?

Can expats vote during elections which take place in their country of origin? Can you do so online or through embassies/consulates in Norway?

What is the administrative process which has been set up in Norway to enable expats to vote in their country of origin?

To which extent should political life in Norway include expats and their concerns? Should they be more active as a community to make their voices heard?

Are there any precautionary measures to observe during election period in your host country? Any local prohibitions?

Do you keep up with politics in Norway?

Thanks for sharing your experience.


as far as I know, there's nothing that Norway specifically does to enable expats to vote in their country of origin, if their laws allow it. The laws for each country are so different that I don't think it would be possible to consider all the many nationalities that reside here. So for that, I definitely recommend contacting your embassy or consulate.

However, foreigners registered in Norway do have the right to vote in local elections. If you're from another Nordic country, you can vote in the elections (usually held in September) if you were registered in the country by June. For other nationalities, you can vote if you've been registered in the country for the last three years.

My experience voting in two elections here is that the voting directorate is quite comprehensive with information on how and where to vote, and the process is made quite easy by having a long early voting period with booths located in convenient places. I got a card with information on it well in advance of voting, and the website valg.no helps to explain more of how the process works.