Coming to Qatar

Hi everyone,

My name is Danial and I am searching my options to come from Malaysia to Qatar to find a job.

May I know if the construction industry of Qatar is hot at the moment ?

What are the best way to find a job in Qatar ?

Do people communicate in English ?

And the most affordable places for short stay (30 days)

Thanks and looking forward to seeing your advises base on your knowledge and experience! 😇

the answer is yes for everything u asked,
except its better if you come with offer

affordable places, check airbnb if you dont want hotels,

Thank you for the reply.. May I know how long have you been there and what profession do you poses?

I have been trying to get a job in engineering industry through some agencies but I think is the best to go there..

am in IT industry, but cant say what is the best, to have offer or come here, its a risk only you can count it