DUI Questions

I was recently breathalyzed by the JPs. They did not give me a ticket, arrest me or confiscate my Drivers License. I'm a little confused. I left my car where it was and came back later to pick it up when I had nothing in my system. Is it because they couldn't prove I was driving or something? Or should I be expecting a ticket coming to me in the future? Anyone know anything about any of this?? Thanks for all your help!!

If they are going to do you, seems you could get any combination of a fine up to 500,000 and three years down the line.
Enjoy your stress :)

Hi James,

In some cases, the police will either let foreigners off with a warning because of language difficulties. Also, if the police could not actually prove that you were driving, for example, if you were in your car in a car park, then they also might make you take the test but might not do anything because they could not prove anything. you could say you were sleeping it off etc. However, if they pulled you over and you failed the test it would probably be serious.

Rules on drunk driving are very strict in Japan and include prison time and big fines. I wonder if you know the alcohol level of your breathalyzer test or whether you passed or failed it?