EP Status: Record not found

Hello everyone, my status on the EP status check website keeps showing Record not found? HR tells me they've submitted the application since Thursday, 12/09/19. How long did it take for your application to be found on the website?

It should take a day or two. Ask HR if they can see your status as pending or not. If it's not showing then reach out MoM for the update.

Note: We have answered these questions several times, but you guys don't spend time to read older threads and asking same questions repeatedly.

Edit: My EP got accepted! Wanted to give everyone an update.

Original apply date: 12/09/19, from not found to pending in one week, and then got rejected 2 weeks later for not posting on govt portal. (They'd posted but it was 2 months ago)
Appeal date: 2/10/19
Appeal approved: 21/10/19

Thanks to everyone for your insights and knowledge, best of luck with your applications!