How hard is to find a job is this city?

Hi everyone,

My name is Faik Geci I'm from Holland and visiting Moscow at this moment.
I would like to take into consideration and make a move to Moscow  for at least  1 year, the city looks very dynamic to me and I need a beat of cultural, physical and psychological change.
I'm really wondering how hard is to find a job is this city? I have been working in Europe as content creator for several companies........perhaps with a beat of luck I can find something in the same field over here.

Hi Faikgeci,

Welcome on board  :)

It would perhaps be easier to find a job since you are already there. Have a look at the following article, you will find some useful tips :

- Finding work in Moscow

All the best,

Hi Faik, I am from the South of Russia: there are many international enterprises from around the world. Krasnodar, Sochi, etc. I can help ... Victor