Payment methods in Japan

Hello everyone,

Once you're settled in Japan, you will need to make some basic purchases, like groceries or pay bills. Hence, it is essential to know the payment methods available in your host country.

Which are the most common payment methods in Japan? Why would you prefer some forms over others?

Does the amount of money or the type of paid services (groceries, bills, rent, etc.) determine the choice of payment methods?

Are there any apps at your disposal which make the payment process easier in Japan?

Can certain foreign currencies be used to make payments?

Have your habits in terms of payment methods changed since moving to Japan?

Thanks for sharing your experience,


Mostly I just use credit cards or get cash from ATM's and pay with that. All members of my family have either a Suica or Icoca cards for getting around on public transport and to use for for small purchases in minimarts. Also, when taking taxis we can usually pay by credit card.