Sense of humour in Japan

Hello everyone,

Should we set out to explore Japanese's culture through its sense of humour? Indeed, if one is planning to settle in the country, it is best to understand the cultural codes governing humour in order to avoid any faux-pas.

What is special about the sense of humour in Japan?

Is it acceptable to joke about any situations?

What is typically funny and what is absolutely not funny?

Are there any popular comedians in Japan and how would one be able to discover them (stand-up shows, festivals, internet, etc.)?

What is the funniest joke you have heard in Japan?

Please share your experience,


Many of my friends in Japan are musicians and I sort of carry on with my same sense of British humour as I would anywhere although perhaps a little toned down so that there is nothing lost in the language, and about half of what I say is understood and found to be funny while the other half of the time my friends just smile and pretend to understand. Not all of them speak English and my Japanese is just basics so usually one of our friends will interpret to those who don;t speak English.

As for Japanese humour, I do find it a bit difficult to understand or let's say, not so funny.

And to be honest, I think humour is best shared with your fellow countrymen. Thankfully we get Netflix in Japan so I can watch lots of great comedy programs when I am there.