Mumaris Plus cant complete profile and cant edit profile

Hello everyone,

Every time I log in ito my mumaris plus if i open my profile there is no option to complete the profile and when i go for additional services  it remarks please complete profile can i complete if there is no option..

I cant re registration if I cant complete my profile

I need your advice.


same problem

Same problem

hi. same problem. did you get any solution how to complete your profile in mumaris plus?

same problem, did u get any solution

Hi, wer u able to get feedback on how to edit and complete profile in mumaris plus? Because i cant find the edit option. I have the same problem with you. Thanks

Hi! Wer you able to get feedback on how to edit and complete the profile detail in munaris plus? Coz i cant find any edit option.. i have the same problem as yours.. what did you do? Thanks

Same problem

I have the same problem now. What did you do?

I solve this problem. For others who will face the same problem just raise a ticket in tawasul regarding your problem and they will fix it for you. They will send email once the problem in your mumaris account was solve. Thank you

You can send addinal  document  add services  it's same you send application  after reviewing  they will update but by your self  cannot be