Children integration in a new school in Denmark

Hello everyone,

Moving abroad can be particularly hard on children. For any parent planning a move to Denmark, it is of utmost importance to make sure they do everything in their power to make sure their children's transition is as smooth as possible. Would you be able to give a few tips to parents planning to move to Denmark by answering the following questions on children integration?

What does one need to factor in when choosing a new school for their children in Denmark?

How does one prepare their children for the transition into a new school in Denmark?

How does one help their children integrate into their new school? Any tips to help a child transitioning into a completely different new program or curriculum?

Is there an age period during which a child really should change schools?

What are the signs that a child is having trouble transitioning into their new school?

Tell us how it went for your child in Denmark.

Please share your experience,


1. idea to settle down in Denmark, better send them to public school
2. public school is stepping stone for smooth transition (expect turbulence to integrate with culture and language)
3. Which school for Q3. If you have an admission for International school - no need to worry. If public school, then better parents must learn Danish to teach lessons at home along with teachers. else the class to move will be difficult
4. There are number of options after 9th Grade. you can decide for bilingual as well
5. definitely, it will not be a cake walk in the school. worried about many things, better to step back. certainly there is a risk for kids and parents in a new country.
6. last question of yours, even I am travelling in the same boat. relocation yet to start!! finding many challenges, right from schooling to housing..climate, food etc...,

just enjoy the time, learn and move out if things do not work...easy!!