Pregnant in Latvia

My husband and I will be moving to Riga in a couple months. I will be teaching at The International School of Latvia. I just found out that I am pregnant (yeah!) and I am wondering if anyone has any information for me on The Maternity Hospital in Riga and any other new mom in Riga information.


Is it still actual?

I'm an American and had two babies at the maternity hospital in Riga. I wanted natural births. I found out the 7th fl. was all for that. It may have changed now as that was 10 years ago. I had good experiences there. My husband is Latvian so he translated for me. But I'm sure you can find a good Dr. who speaks English. You may need to pay extra if you want a specific Dr. there for the birth. Lisa

Seriously.. I would never ever got to a maternity hospital. It's obviously professional, but they tend to stimulate your birth on many occasions, while it's really unnecessary.

I prefer a private, quiet and clean place, where I get all the attention. We have certified midwives and doulas, private clinics and even a great water-birth "home" -   unfortunately the info is in Latvian only, but both midwives speak English

Yes, I would have loved that if I could have done so. So why were you asking about the maternity hospital? All the best.