Red light with yellow light offence

Hello everyone. Tonight while going back home i passed the traffic light . When i was passing it it was red plus yellow light. I thought that was ok but the camera flashed twice. Will i be jailed or something? I'm going to travel end of this month, will i be held at the airport?
I would appreciate any information please.thanks

Just my opinion .. but EVERYONE should STOP at red lights, regardless. Also, a Red light is a red light, and yes you will be fined significantly, and rightfully so. Too many people have been hurt and some killed by people running red lights. That is why the fine is as high as it is. It is supposed to stop those drivers that are in such a hurry to slow down, or pay the penalty.

If you passed red light on signal pay penalty OR 50/- first time red signal crossing they give you guidance in police station but penalty plus jail for one day when crossing red signal again 2nd time.. these rules you need to check online or with traffic.

Thanks for all, turns out that the radar caught me by mistake as when I passed it was already green so there was no offenses or penalties luckily.